If You’re a Bird, I’m a Bird

My dad first saw my mom pass by where he worked in 1948 and told a co-worker he thought she was cute. Dad didn't know his coworker had been dating Mom’s sister, so they set Mom and Dad up on a blind date. They quickly fell in love and a year later on July 2nd 1949 they were married. They raised 5 children 12 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. In Mom’s remaining 10 years she suffered from Dementia. When she was first diagnosed, she told my dad that he was free to leave her as she knew she was only going to get worse and that wasn't the life she wished for him. Dad said that their wedding vows ‘to love and hold until death’ were more than just words to him. On the morning of February 9th 2019, just 4 and a half months before their 70th anniversary, Dad was woken by the nurse in their nursing home and was told the news that Mom had passed in her sleep. Dad sat holding Mom’s hand for 2 hours until their children and grandchildren were able come and say their final goodbyes. Dad then said his final, “I love you”, and kissed her goodbye. 

— Ron


Pay for Play


Flirty at 50