Image of the bell tower of victoria hall, cobourg, ontario. Image taken by Lot11 Studios

what we’re all about

The BulletinYour guide to what’s happening in Cobourg and Northumberland. 

Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision: to create a newspaper that truly reflects the spirit and essence of our beloved town. We’re not just reporting the news; we’re weaving the very fabric of our community into every page, celebrating the remarkable people, events, art, music and achievements that make Cobourg shine bright. 

From the bustling streets to the cozy corners of our neighbourhoods, The Bulletin is here to uplift, inform, and connect. Whether it’s a heartwarming tale of kindness, a spotlight on a local hero, or a guide to the best spots in town, we’re dedicated to capturing the essence of Cobourg and sharing it with the world. 

meet the team

  • Becca Reed

    Founder + Editor

    Becca Reed is a renowned interior designer and set designer in the film and television industry, with a deep-rooted passion for fostering community connections. Recognizing the importance of bringing people together, she founded the Bulletin to bridge the gap between the community and local businesses through events, charitable initiatives, and spotlight features.

  • Amber Thompson

    Graphic Designer

    After volume 1, Amber came onto the team to help develop a consistent visual language for the Bulletin, based on Becca’s initial concepts and ideas. Amber has over 10 years of award-winning Graphic Design experience and a deep-rooted passion for creating and solving problems through design. She specializes in Branding, web and package design.

  • Steve McKay

    Associate Editor

    Steve McKay is an artist, graphic designer, program facilitator, and award-winning screenwriter. He has spearheaded many creative projects and has written for and edited several publications. Steve is a writer and researcher for The Bulletin, bringing a life-long love of community building and collaboration.

advertise with us

  • Your ad will be seen by thousands of Cobourg residents who turn to The Bulletin for their dose of local news and goings-on. Whether you’re a new business looking to make a splash or a seasoned establishment aiming to stay top-ofmind, we’ve got the audience you’re looking for.

  • By advertising with The Bulletin you’re investing in the heart and soul of Cobourg. You’re helping us continue to tell the stories that matter, support local initiatives, and strengthen the bonds that make our town so special.

  • Your ad in The Bulletin will stand out as a testament to your commitment to community and connection, resonating with readers on a deeper level.

We’re dedicated to capturing the essence of Cobourg and sharing it with the world. But we can’t do it alone – that’s where you come in, esteemed business owners of Cobourg! We invite you to join us on this exciting journey by advertising in The Bulletin. Here’s why it’s a partnership you won’t want to miss: