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Warkworth Lilac Festival

  • Warkworth, ON, K0K 3K0 Canada (map)

Warkworth, a unique rural and sophisticated town, is situated in the beautiful rolling hills of the Municipality of Trent Hills and is host to the Warkworth Lilac Festival.  Warkworth is just 90 minutes east of Toronto, 40 minutes south-east of Peterborough and 80 minutes west of Kingston.

The Warkworth Lilac Festival is an annual event that takes place on the Millennium Lilac Trail on the last weekend of May.  The Lilac Festival attracts a multitude of visitors to the Millennium Lilac Trail and to Warkworth from all over the province.  Many rare and beautiful lilacs of unique varieties have been planted strategically in beds along the trail turning it into a showcase of lilacs for all to delight in.

In 2022 the Lilac Festival introduced the ‘Avalanche’ double-white lilac, created in honor of the Queen’s 70th Platinum Jubilee.  In 2017 the festival was honored to receive a Canada 150 Garden Experience Award.

Festivities on the Lilac Trail include activities for the entire family as well as the gardener and lilac enthusiast, included are a variety of vendors, children’s activities, musicians and food service.

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